
China: Last Man Standing?

... back to the rising superpower theme, this serves as an excellent illustration of a major point of mine: to become a superpower, you really don’t need to have a plan for world domination. You only need to be the last man standing when everyone else has already collapsed.

It will be very interesting to find out how long China will stand? The Chinese government is running the distinct risk of using all its bullets too early, and not having any left if the depression continues over a prolonged period. If that happens, the only thing China can do is inflate its way out. Another article point out the risk of this approach:

If the depression is long and this scenario plays out, then China will become a very short-lived superpower, and will only be standing a very short time before it collapses on top of the heap with the other former superpowers.

You only win when you can walk away after the battle. Otherwise it is just a pyhrric victory.

(Trouble is, pyhrric victory is a western term which does not an equivalent in Chinese.)


I'd figure, for the phrase "pyhrric victory" --> “惨胜”?