
China: Democracy, or Confucianism?
文章里提到的Daniel A. Bell去年曾到弗莱堡讲座,很明显,这家伙是蒋庆的fans。
关于蒋庆所谓的天(religion, members chosen through community recommendation and Confucian examination),地(cultural tradition, members based on sovereign and sage lineage and by appointment), 人(popular will (members elected)的政府构架, 因为缺乏一手材料,不能妄加评论,但是瞅着也不见得就当真顺眼.
Such uni-legitimacy operates on the quantity of votes, regardless of the moral implications of decisions taken. Since human desire is selfish by nature, those decisions can be self serving for a particular majority's interest.

1 条评论:

匿名 说...

China is ruled by geeks.

Reading China's Great Train, we recognize China's engineers, and by extension its leadership, for what they are: some of the world's biggest risk-takers. Geeks with guts.

Coolest sentences of the week!

Well, geek is not a beautiful word, but it is in no way negative, it is just funny. :)